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    March Hares £3.06
    Moonrise £3.06
    Mr Fox £3.06
    Nature Walk £3.06
    Oh Baby £3.06
    Paddling £3.06
    Patience £3.06
    Piggies £3.06
    Pups £3.06
    Racing Hare £3.06
    Red Deer £3.06
    Resting Fox £3.06
    River Otter £3.06
    Santa Paws £3.06
    Silly Bunny £3.06
    Sleepy Cat £3.06
    Smile £3.06
    Stag Do £3.06
    Strollers £3.06
    Tabitha £3.06
    The Chase £3.06
    The Old Oak £3.06
    The Orange £3.06
    The Shark £3.06
    The Stick £3.06
    The Tribe £3.06
    Two By Two £3.06
    Two Pugs £3.06