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    All Hail! £3.18
    Autumn Walk £3.18
    Bathtime £3.18
    Bottoms Up £3.18
    Bubbles £3.18
    Bullseye £3.18
    Cake! £3.18
    Canal Walk £3.18
    Cat Heaven £3.18
    Chaperones £3.18
    Cheeky £3.18
    Cod Mornay £3.18
    Crisp Walk £3.18
    Dropping In £3.18
    Duckie £3.18
    Elevenses £3.18
    Feeling It £3.18
    Get My Goat £3.18
    Giraffe £3.18
    I Love You £3.18
    Influencer £3.18
    Joyous Ride £3.18
    Ladybird £3.18
    Le Tour £3.18
    Mr and Mrs £3.18
    Nearly Home £3.18
    Party Heels £3.18
    Quick Dip £3.18
    Rooftops £3.18