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    Rob Barnes

    I bought a violin in a jumble sale when I was aged fourteen. It soon became a real passion alongside my art work. I divide my time between printmaking, orchestral playing, and trying to keep our two cats away from my studio. Living half a mile from the river Yare in Norfolk, we look out across the marshes and fields. I like to use some imagination to complete my designs, rarely sticking with the original sketches. I have found that cutting lino needs an element of chance, so I leave some decisions until after I have taken the first proof of a new print.

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    Evening Run £3.06
    Wild Patch £3.06
    Sea Shimmer £3.06
    By The Pier £3.06
    Flight Path £3.06
    Landings £3.06
    Waterway £3.06
    Racing Hare £3.06
    Country Fox £3.06
    March Hares £3.06